Is it really possible to turn strangers into clients like clockwork?
Industry Entrepreneur, Author and Business Consultant David Blaise says "Absolutely!"
"Follow My Simple, Proven System and I am Absolutely Convinced You Will Attract, Qualify and Convert Promotional Products Clients at Will!"
...if I'm right, you'll love me for it! If I'm wrong, it won't cost you one red cent to find out.

From the Desk of Industry Entrepreneur David Blaise Author of Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales
Dear Industry Professional,
Imagine getting up in the morning and knowing you have a tested, proven system in place for attracting, qualifying and converting promotional products clients as you need them — essentially at will! Won’t it feel incredible to not have to worry where the next sale is coming from?
How much more confident will you feel? How much less will you have to worry about your competition and how much more will they have to worry about you?
Well now, you have a choice… You can continue to struggle with customer acquisition — working harder and longer than you have to, just to maintain the status quo… or you can invest a small amount of time and money to learn how to turn total strangers into high paying clients… cold leads into hot sales…
Previously, I have only shared this information with a small group of select and one-on-one consulting clients. Their results have been amazing. In fact, here’s what a few of them have to say:
"My Best Investment Ever!"

"It was really my best investment ever! No empty theory… Just a practical system… I recommend you change it’s name to the Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition System, because of its practical step by step nature… I use it always now. We have grown since implementing it.
Jose L. Arroyo
MIMETES Graphics
Branding Experts & Promotional Advisors
"Four New Accounts and $60,000 in a Month!"
Patrick Brooks of Proforma Left Coast Promotions reports on his results using Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition…
Click the video to play

"A Powerful Program… the Best Door-Opener I’ve Tried to Date"
"I completed my 2nd round of the 3 x 3 follow-up procedure today… connected with 6 who were interested enough to let me follow up with them, one of whom gave me specific projects to work on.
My impressions: this is a powerful program. It’s the best door opener I’ve tried to date. I’ve tried a lot of different things over the years, but this truly is a system, as you say, and it really works. This was definitely worth the money spent."
Scott Boyages Promotions
Independent Geiger Sales Partner
"Tripled Year-Over-Year Sales and Picked Up a $17,000 Order from a Brand New Client…"
John Calache from Custom Prints in Orlando Florida explains how he used Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition to triple his year-over-year sales…
Click the video to play
To see and hear more from DOZENS of other Top Secrets Clients, click here.
Are These Three Things Holding You Back Right Now?
If you are not currently generating enough new clients and revenue, ask yourself the following:
1. Do you spend too much time engaged in non-revenue generating activity?
If this is a problem for you, you’re not alone! Day-to-day demands and "the tyranny of the urgent" often conspire to distract you from the money-getting activities you need to take on a daily basis. Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition brings you right back to the important stuff and makes it easy to focus on the money work.
2. Do you have a system in place for converting cold leads into hot sales?
Very few businesses have such a system, and even fewer have one that works every time they use it. Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition creates results for you every time you use it! More importantly… the system is self-correcting. The process includes examining what’s working and fixing what’s not, so you continually improve the results you get.
3. Are you as focused and diligent as necessary in your follow-up procedures?
How much contact with a prospect is too much? How much is too little? While many people err on the side of too little contact, rather than too much, Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition lays out a procedure for you to follow-up aggressively and effectively without coming across like a stalker! The system tells you exactly how to follow-up and when.
The Only Cure for Recurring Overhead is Recurring Revenue (AKA Regular, Predictable Sales!)
Business overhead expenses are insidious. They drain your cash, without providing any meaningful return. While some overhead costs are necessary, others just rob you of your resources and leave you with less and less to work with each month. For example:
Every 30 days, another rent or mortgage payment comes due, regardless of whether or not you’ve sold anything…
Every month, your automobile payments must be made, even if no one buys a single thing from you…
Twelve times a year, you have to pay your phone and utility bills, whether or not you’ve added a single new client or even one thin dime in profitable new business…
…and taxes? Don’t even get me started on taxes!
But during the past nine months, I have distilled down my process for converting total strangers into paying clients, and laid it out for you in a clear, easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow system of customer acquisition. Please note: I have personally developed this system over 20+ years in business and I am practically handing it to you on a silver platter!
Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition Includes Everything You Need to Know to Dwarf Monthly Overhead Costs with Ongoing Sales and Profits...
I’ll explain all in your Overview Video, Overview Audio, Four (4) Training Modules and Training Guide & Journal. But let me break it all down for you and show you exactly what you get with each component.
The Overview explains the entire system in easy-to-understand language. It outlines the Six Steps to Customer Acquisition and explains the importance and function of each one. As you watch and listen to this overview, the power of the system will become immediately apparent.
TSCA System Overview Video
Your Six Step Process for Getting Customers explains:
- Targeting
- Hunting & Gathering
- First Contact and the 3 x 3 Follow-up Procedure
- Qualification & Segmentation
- Examine the Metrics
- Tweak & Repeat
As you’re working your way through the courses, you’ll also find the audio overview to be an excellent way to reinforce what you’re learning.
Listen to it on your phone, in your car, on your computer, or wherever you have access to audio. It serves as a daily reminder to implement the Six Steps to Customer Acquisition.
TSCA System Overview Audio
The complete audio from the Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition overview outlines Your Six Step Process for Getting Customers. It explains Targeting, Hunting & Gathering, First Contact and the 3 x 3 Follow Up Procedure, Qualification & Segmentation, Examining the Metrics and Tweaking & Repeating.
Acquiring new customers proactively begins with Targeting the appropriate businesses and Hunting and Gathering the necessary information. Module One walks you through the specifics of how to perform these important functions.
TSCA Module 1
- The System
- Five Methods of Targeting
- Which Businesses Will You Approach?
- Hunting & Gathering
- Finding Top Buyers
- Hunting & Gathering Online
- Hunting & Gathering Offline
Your First Contact with a new prospect sets the stage for your entire business relationship.
Your 3 x 3 Follow-Up Procedure explains exactly how to follow-up and when. Module 2 delivers the recommended approach, timelines, bullet-pointed salesletter scripts and specific procedures for reaching the people you targeted in Module 1.
TSCA Module 2
- Defining First Contact
- Variations & Goals
- The Cover Letter
- 3 Calls x 3 Weeks
- Your Message Themes
- Outcomes from Module 2
It’s unfortunate that many industry professionals waste days, weeks, months, even years pursuing and following up with unqualified prospects who shouldn’t be contacted at all. That’s why it’s so darn important to execute an effective Qualification & Segmentation procedure as early on in the process as possible. In Module 3, we’ll deliver Your Lead Qualification Procedure and introduce you to our proprietary Five Bucket Segmentation process. We’ll also show you how to Examine the Metrics so you’ll have a crystal clear idea of what’s working and what needs work.
TSCA Module 3
- Qualify Fast
- Your Lead Qualification Procedure
- Five Bucket Segmentation
- How Many Prospects in Each Bucket?
- Perfectly Appropriate Follow-Up:
- How much is too much?
- Isolating Bottlenecks
- Examining the Metrics
Module 4 begins with a recap of the customer acquisition process and goes on to explain how to use the metrics you examined in Module 3 to constantly Tweak & Repeat the system so it can perform better and better for you, each time you use it.
TSCA Module 4
- Tweak & Repeat
- Troubleshooting Response
- Lather - Rinse - Repeat
- Important Points
- Reviewing Your Six Step Process
- Results from Module 4
This System is — By Far — the Most Focused, Affordable and Effective Method I’ve Ever Used to Convert Total Strangers into Paying Clients…
As an entrepreneur or commission salesperson, you eat what you kill:
If you don’t bring new clients through the door… If you don’t have a system for producing consistent results… If you don’t know where the next sale or client is coming from… You have a serious problem!
I’ve been in business for myself since 1988. Since then, I’ve invested millions of dollars in marketing, and tested hundreds — perhaps thousands — of different marketing approaches.
While it may be an exaggeration to say that I’ve made every single marketing mistake you can possibly make, it sure has felt that way at times.
So when I finally arrived at a system that produced consistent results — like clockwork — I knew I was on to something. When I was able to teach it to other people… have them learn it… and have them create exceptional results as well, I knew I had to share it.
Here’s Where You Benefit from My 20+ Years of Expensive Trial and Error...
Because of the industry-specific nature of this information, the comprehensive approach we’ve taken and the value of organized, useful information you’re getting (not to mention the cost of video production and duplication), we know we should charge more for this system than we intend to charge…
Even my most basic consulting packages start at $2,997 and this system literally hands you the entire customer acquisition system I’ve spent most of my adult life perfecting…
With this system, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. In fact, you barely need to think! I have painstakingly laid everything out for you, all neat and organized.
But rather than getting you all worked up about the price… check this out:
While I could easily justify a price of $1,995 or more, your entire investment is now just $997 $497! That is ridiculously tiny compared to the amount of money you are likely hemorrhaging each month without an effective customer acquisition system in place.
Honestly, any single component of this system could easily be worth a high multiple of that price for you, all by itself. When you avoid making the mistakes that have cost you money in the past… When you learn to target more effectively and qualify better and more quickly, that alone is worth an enormous amount of money in new sales and profits.
If you’re a procrastinator, please be aware that I am offering the system right now at this special pricing and with the full year guarantee for a limited time, in limited quantity. So if you want to test it out risk-free in your business before this offer disappears, I encourage you to get it now. If you fail to act and this offer is gone (or dramatically more expensive) tomorrow, don’t say I didn’t warn you! 🙂
Business is tough for a lot of people. Many need help now. This system is tested, proven, industry-specific and affordable, but don’t take my word for it. Check out the testimonials and real-life results that people are getting with this system. Then go ahead and get it now while it’s still fresh in your mind and will do you the most good.
Look at it this way: If you don’t invest in this system, you will very likely blow at least this much on some unnecessary revenue-gobbling overhead that won’t return a dime! So why not invest in yourself first, and gain maximum return both now and throughout your career?
Still not sure? Then check out our…
Triple-Secure, Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee
Since 1998, We’ve Been Known for the Very Best Guarantee in the Industry… Today, we’ve Upped the Ante!

Here’s How Your Satisfaction is Ensured Every Step of the Way…
First, go through the entire system to be sure it makes perfect sense to you. Get comfortable with the fact that this focused, targeted approach will generate a high multiple of what you pay for it. That will become clear to you within the first hour of having the system. If for some reason it doesn’t make sense to you and you don’t even want to try to implement it, send it back for a full refund. Please note: If you think that’s at all likely based on what you’ve read, please save us both some time and don’t order it until you’re ready!
Second, put the system through its paces. You’ll be able to launch your very first customer acquisition campaign within days of receiving the material… maybe even sooner! Within a week of launching it, you’ll have some initial results. Within 21 days of launching it, you’ll have your first full round of results and you’ll know EXACTLY what’s working and what’s not.
Many people spend months (or even years) trying to figure out if their marketing is having any effect. You’ll know within 21 days. If at that point you can’t clearly see how this is one of the best investments you have ever made in your business or personal sales career, I don’t want you to keep the system. Send it back for a full and immediate refund.
Third, implement Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition in your business for a full year. By following the system as outlined, we fully expect that you will earn a bare-bones minimum of ten times what you paid for the system and very likely much more than that. But once again, if that doesn’t happen, you are fully protected. Just let us know and get a full refund of your purchase price.
You already know that you can’t get ten to one returns at a bank, but we want you to get AT LEAST that much with our system, and preferably a lot more! Some Top Secrets clients report increases of tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars per year with our materials. While those results may not be typical, they are certainly possible and I would argue even likely if you follow the system as outlined. But if I’m wrong and you’re not happy with the results, the system won’t cost you one thin dime.
And yes, you can get all that — right now — for the ridiculously low price of just $497!
Order Now to Get the System While it’s Available With All the Serious Bonuses!
If you are determined to turn total strangers into paying clients, the package of extras and bonuses we’re offering should make this a total no-brainer for you. If you want to start getting results immediately, there is no other time but now.
In Case You're Wondering...
"What can I expect the system to do for me?"
Right off the bat, Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition will help you accomplish the following goals:
1. Immediately create awareness of yourself and your company among a core group of your own hand-chosen ideal prospects.
2. Eliminate unqualified prospects quickly, freeing up your time to interact only with those most likely to do business with you right now.
3. Have an effective, repeatable, duplicable process for converting cold leads into hot sales.
"Will this work for me?"
Based on my own actual experience and that of my consulting clients I would say that if you are serious about getting new clients, and willing and able to follow a crystal clear step-by-step procedure for making it happen, this will certainly work for you. Naturally, I can’t know for sure, as I have no way of knowing how well or consistently you’ll follow it. But I am so confident that it will work for you, I’ll take all the risk with my Triple-Secure, Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee (as mentioned above.)
"How does it work?"
Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition was developed over a period of more than twenty years, from 1988 through today. Even now, the system continues to improve and evolve based on new advances in technology and communication. But the principles behind the system are based on human psychology, which changes very little over time. The system works because human beings in western cultures tend to respond in similar ways, and like causes produce like results. So when you find a system that works, it is likely to continue to work.
"How long does it take?"
Depending on how many new leads you plan to start with, you can implement the system in as little as half an hour a day. Obviously, the fewer leads you start with, the less time it takes. But there are only six primary steps, so it doesn’t take a huge amount of time to implement, and you don’t have to master a ton of new skills. You just follow the program as outlined.
"What if I don’t have a single lead to start with?"
The system is designed to help you attract, qualify and convert promotional products clients at will. It starts out with the assumption that you DON’T have any leads to begin with. That’s why it shows you, step-by-step, how to target the businesses you want, gather the necessary information, qualify them quickly and convert them into sales, starting from ground zero.
"What if I already have a lot of prospects I’ve talked to, but haven’t converted into clients. Will the system work on them?"
Absolutely! If you already have leads you’re working with, you can skip the first few steps and start with either the 3 x 3 Follow-Up Procedure or Qualification & Segmentation. That will allow you to quickly eliminate the unqualified and convert the qualified.
"How do these new prospects get into the system?"
You’re going to love this… You just put them in! You decide proactively who you’d like to have as a client (we walk you through that as well) — then you just put them through the process!
"How soon will I know if it’s working?"
Within a few days of launching your first customer acquisition campaign, you’ll have your initial response. Within a week, you’ll have a good read on your market, and within 21 days you’ll have your first complete round of result and know exactly how well it’s working for you and what you need to do to make it even better next time. Then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat!
"What if it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to?"
Unless the nature of human beings changes drastically from the time you order this until the time you begin to implement it, this will very likely work as I’ve explained. But if it doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, you’re protected. The system comes with a full-year, iron-clad, money-back guarantee. You simply cannot be unsatisfied.
Yeah, Even Though this System is AWESOME, it’s Not for Everyone...
What if I don’t have the time or money? Or what if I don’t want to invest the time or money?
Generating clients or operating a business requires some investment of time and money. While Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition minimizes the time and cost associated with getting new clients, it does not completely eliminate them (nothing can!). If you literally have no money to invest in growing your business or if you are not willing to allocate even a small amount of time to implementing this proven process, the system is definitely not for you. Similarly, if you DO have the money and you DO have the time, but you aren’t willing to invest either, please DO NOT BUY THIS SYSTEM.
What if I’m afraid it won’t work?
That’s okay. Your fear doesn’t really matter unless you allow it to keep you from taking action. If you’re afraid it won’t work, but you commit to following the steps as outlined despite the fear, the system will very likely work for you and you won’t have to be afraid anymore. Your fear can only keep you from accomplishing your objectives if you allow it to paralyze you into inaction.
What if I don’t believe it will work?
Fortunately, the system is not dependent on your belief or any sort of blind faith. Since it operates on the law of cause and effect, it is only dependent on your ability and willingness to follow the system. You don’t have to believe it will work, you just have to take the steps outlined. Follow the system through your disbelief and I am convinced the results you get will make you a believer!
What if I just like to learn stuff, but am not an implementer?
Then please, save your money. Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition is less about theory and more about the specific actions that get results. If you don’t implement it, it’s a total waste. You won’t make any money. I won’t get a great testimonial and you won’t be able to contribute anything helpful to our Mastermind and Discussion Groups. That would make you a poor candidate for this program. Seriously, if you are not willing to follow a series of steps that have been proven to make money for those who implement it, please do us both a favor and DO NOT BUY IT.
What if I already know all this?
If you think you already know how to do everything I’ve described above, then you don’t need this system. But if you already knew all this, you probably wouldn’t have read this far, because you’d be too busy creating clients at will. If you’re not getting the results you want, it means you either don’t know what to do or you’re not doing what you know. Both problems can be solved by taking the appropriate action right now.
What is the Cost of NOT Owning this System?
How much time and money are wasted each month on ineffective targeting? How many potential clients are lost because the first contact they received was uninspiring? What does it cost for each day you pursue unqualified prospects? How much are you losing due to inefficient or ineffective follow-up… every week, month or year you remain in business?
Without this system, you avoid the one-time cost, but very likely lose an enormous amount of money each day in the form of missed business and missed opportunity. And those losses continue to build each day until (and unless) you change your actions. With Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition, you pay a little up front, and reap the rewards forever. By helping you avoid the expensive mistakes that cost you money every day, Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition pays for itself many times over, starting right away. And if it doesn’t, I don’t want you to keep it!
The most successful people in our industry — and the ones who make the most money — are constantly innovating. The fact that you have read this far tells me you are very likely such a person.
If you are already a Top Secrets client or if you have just been exposed to our emails, podcasts, videos or live training, you have some idea of what Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition can do for you. Why not put the power of this proven Success System to work for you right now, while supplies last? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
- When we target poorly or ineffectively… it wastes our time and money.
- When we pursue those with no ability to buy from us… it squanders time and money better spent on solid, qualified leads.
- When we follow up ineffectively… it wastes time, alienates clients and costs us money, repeat business and credibility every day.
David Blaise
Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales
Blaise Drake & Company, Inc.
2669 Shillington Rd #422
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
(800) 494-2721 or (610) 685-9700
PS This offer and bonus structure is guaranteed for a limited time only and is subject to change. If you are considering whether or not to invest in this system, I encourage you to consider our unrivaled guarantee structure and order accordingly. We live and work in this industry and cannot afford to have even a single unsatisfied client. Click below with complete confidence and start now.
Your No-Risk, Full-Year Trial Begins Today
Yes! I want you to send me
Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition: How to Attract, Qualify and Convert Promotional Products Clients at Will.

TSCA Online Course
$497 Online Access- Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition Overview
- TSCA Module 1: Targeting, Hunting & Gathering
- TSCA Module 2: First Contact & 3 x 3 Follow-Up
- TSCA Module 3: Qualification, Segmentation & Metrics
- TSCA Module 4: Tweak & Repeat, Troubleshooting
- TSCA Training Guide & Journal PDF
Order via Credit Card on Our Secure Website

Or call 1-800-494-2721 or 610-685-9700 to order by phone.
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