"91% growth in one year."
Named #4 Fastest Growing by Promo Marketing Magazine.
Kurt Hoge, Reno Type, Reno, Nevada
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In this free call, we'll discuss:
- Your Vision, Goals & Challenges to help multiply you to your numbers
- The Specific Markets You Need to ensure your profitability
- Where You are Now vs. Where You Need to Be in terms of visibility, sales and profits
- Your Next Steps to make it happen
Important: We have a very limited number sessions available over the next few days. Please be courteous and ONLY schedule a time when you know you'll be able to attend. Thank you! 🙂
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A few more success stories from happy customers...
Top Secrets Saved my 401K*
22 New Clients. It’s Fabulous.*
The ROI is Wonderful*
$117,000 in Gross Sales in a Little Over a Week and a Half*
I really just want to say what a difference the Top Secrets Programs have made for my business and myself personally. Mr. David Blaise is the most influential, highly experienced, down to earth coach in the promotional products industry. I have yet to find another program out there where the basic foundations of building a promotional products business is so clearly explained and action oriented.
Brian Kim Hoopla Promo
After completing his Getting Started and Customer Acquisition Programs, roughly 3 weeks later I was able to make a little over $117,000.00 in gross sales in a little over a week and a half period with 3 new clients. I also want to personally thank David Kilmer and Mary Frances for their excellent support and communication. I strongly recommend anyone to really make the effort to learn from Mr. David Blaise and his programs. You will not only save money, but your TIME as well. Your most important asset.
Top Secrets Even Helps Get Santa’s Sales Off the Ground!
Ron Breach of Silent Salesmen Promotions in Orange California has been a loyal Top Secrets client since May 2001. During the holiday season, he also appears as Santa Claus for many businesses and charitable organizations. Recently, Ron said that in addition to helping him with his promotional products business, “Thanks to Top Secrets, I’m even booking better Santa gigs!
Ron Breach Silent Salesman Promotions
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Here's what customers are saying inside the course

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In this free call, we'll discuss:
- Your Vision, Goals & Challenges to help multiply you to your numbers
- The Specific Markets You Need to ensure your profitability
- Where You are Now vs. Where You Need to Be in terms of visibility, sales and profits
- Your Next Steps to make it happen
Important: We have a very limited number sessions available over the next few days. Please be courteous and ONLY schedule a time when you know you'll be able to attend. Thank you! 🙂
If you have trouble seeing or accessing the form above, click here.