Attention Promotional Products
Business Owners:
Just One “Stolen” Account, Frivolous Lawsuit or Bogus Unemployment Claim Could Cost You a Fortune...
So Why Take Chances?
"Take Control, Reduce Anxiety and Eliminate Excuses in Your Business!"
Dear Industry Professional,
Who really owns your business and your client base? You may be tempted to think that you do. But if you employ others, the real answer might not be quite so clear cut…
What if an employee or independent sales representative were to leave your company and take your customers along? What would happen? Would your only recourse be expensive and time consuming litigation? Do you currently have anything in place to keep that from happening?
As a Business Owner, Your Client Base is Your Most Valuable Asset…
Think about it… All the things your bank considers assets (your desks, chairs, computers, copiers, phones and real estate) are really just overhead.
If they all disappeared tomorrow, but you still had your client base, you could be up and running again in no time…
But if you lost your client base… had no one to sell to… then all those “assets” suddenly become liabilities! After all, if you don’t have any customers, you really don’t need to be paying for all that other stuff.
As a business owner, I’ve had more than my fair share of employee issues. In fact, I’d like to introduce you to a few of my real-life, former employees. The kind that used to make my blood boil, until I found the solution:
The Telephone Sales Rep who kept his phone off the hook long after prospects had hung up, in order to increase the "talk time" that showed up on his daily phone reports…

The Shipping Clerk who used company phone lines to call 900 "sex chat" lines during business hours.
The Salesperson who, on his first day of work, left for lunch and never returned…

Some People Interview Well, But After They’re Hired, They Begin to Act Like Refugees from Dr. Phil or Jerry Springer…
I admit it… The descriptions above sound like the type of characters you’d find on bad reality TV… not in a promotional products business. But they were all actual employees of mine.
So were:
The Customer Service Rep found slumped over her keyboard in the middle of a busy customer service center, not just sleeping but also snoring loudly as coworkers processed holiday rush orders around her…

The Screen Printer whose systematic approach to a quality job was to print a shirt, drink a beer, print a shirt, drink a beer…

Looking back on it now, it almost seems funny. But as I’m sure you know, it’s not funny at all when the actions of your employees jeopardize the very success and viability of your business.
Need to Discipline or Terminate Employees Without Getting Sued or Paying Frivolous Unemployment Claims? Good Luck! …unless you have the necessary documentation in place
As a business owner, the buck always stops with you. You can be held responsible if someone drinks on the job and gets hurt. You can be held responsible if one employee makes unwanted sexual advances toward another. You can be held responsible if an employee gets hurt… even if it’s because they were sleeping on the job!
Regardless of the truth, in personnel matters the benefit of the doubt nearly always goes to the employee. In theory, that’s fine, until you are victimized by someone who knows how to "work the system."

As a Business Owner, You Must Have the Ability to Make Tough Decisions, Call the Shots and Hire and Fire at Will. Otherwise, Poor Employees and Pencil-Pushing Bureaucrats Will Make the Employment Decisions for You
Running a business today is harder than ever, and maintaining the ability to operate freely means that you must have systems in place to clearly and effectively outline the expectations you have of your employees and the expectations they should have of you!
The one thing that gives franchises like McDonalds a much better chance of success than a typical startup business is the system.
The most successful businesses in the world create consistent results for their clients. That means clients know exactly what to expect from them, even before they walk through the door!
But consistent results don’t just happen. They require a formula… a recipe for success. It’s not just about making and selling a product, it’s about creating a system that allows nearly anyone to make and sell the product.
Ultimately, It’s About Creating Systems that Work
But creating such systems can require years of costly experimentation, additional months or years of documentation, and even then can cost a lot of money just to get in place. There is very little that is simple or easy about it.
Seriously, how much time and money would it take for you to do all the necessary research to write up to 500+ pages of documentation for your business? How much more would it cost you in time and money to work with a consultant to create and customize such an extensive collection of documents and make it specific to our industry?
Perhaps a better question is how much would it be worth to you to side-step all the problems, time, anxiety, contingency-planning, writing, rewriting, trouble-shooting and updating required to create even the most basic, bare-bones documentation for your business?
When Hiring Sales People: They need to buy into your vision. This only happens when you clearly and effectively communicate what your business is all about, and how they can partner with you to make money and become extremely successful.
When Hiring Staff: Successful hiring means no surprises. All employees need to know exactly what is expected of them, and what they can expect from you and your business.
When Assigning Job Descriptions: Both you and your employees need to know what needs to be done and how to do it.
Now, There is an Affordable, Turn-Key, Industry-Specific Solution to Address All of These Important Issues for You. Download it Right Now and Customize it Within Minutes…
I’ve been where you are. I understand the frustration of wanting to hire salespeople, but knowing I couldn’t, because I didn’t have the proper documentation in place. That’s why I finally bit the bullet and invested the necessary time, work, effort and money into creating the Top Secrets Manual System.
- Sell salespeople or independent representatives on the benefits of your organization with The Top Secrets Sales Manual.
- Provide details on what to do and how to do it with The Top Secrets Operations Manual.
- Let all your employees know exactly what is required of them with The Top Secrets Employee Handbook.
These Success Documents Will Form the Core of Your New Top Secrets Manual System. But it Doesn’t Stop There…
- Protect company information and customer files with a binding confidentiality agreement.
- Discourage account theft with an enforceable no-compete agreement.
- Eliminate confusion over "who does what" with a clear and comprehensive job description.
Why Waste Your Valuable Time and Resources Trying to Reinvent the Wheel. It's Already Been Done for You!
These are the documents that I wish someone would have provided me in my promotional products business. Instead, I had to spend a ridiculous amount of time and an enormous amount of money to have it developed.
In fact, it cost me well over $25,000 to have a business development company create just one component of this system for me.
Sound like a lot? Consider this:
If an Employee Walks Out of a Bank with $250,000 that Doesn’t Belong to Them, It’s Called Bank Robbery.
But if an Employee Walks Out of a Promotional Products Business with a $250,000 Account that Doesn’t Belong to Them, It’s Called "a Cost of Doing Business!"
Scary, isn’t it? To think that someone could literally walk away with company assets of a quarter of a million dollars or more and face no consequences?
Listen, I’m a salesperson and an entrepreneur just like you. And I’ve spent a lot of money to do the best job I can to protect any business assets that I am fortunate enough to accumulate.
I won’t pretend that this system will protect every aspect of your business. Nothing will. But I can assure you, that this system will give you a huge head start and nip many potential issues in the bud!
Personally, I Hate Dealing With This Aspect of Business. The Selling and Marketing Side is a Lot More Sexy…
But Getting this Part of Your Business Covered is Absolutely Critical to Your Success. So Why Not Grab the Turnkey Solution?
Get the Top Secrets Manual System now via DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and implement it in your business for one full year.
Everything is ready for you, specific to the promotional products industry, completely turn-keyed and laid-out step-by-step. After a simple "search and replace", all your company information will appear in the documentation.
You can change whatever you want, or go with it exactly as written. Then just print out as many copies as you need!
Test-drive the entire system – completely and totally risk-free in your business for a full year! If it doesn’t help you to deal with the most important aspects of your business and relieve an enormous amount of stress and anxiety for you, I don’t want you to keep it. Just let us know, and we’ll issue a prompt and courteous refund.
We’ve Been Providing Solutions for Promotional Products Businesses for Years. We Live and Work in this Industry. That’s Why Your Complete Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority

The Top Secrets Manual System is available right now via DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. Order today to take control, reduce anxiety and eliminate excuses in your business.
Check out our testimonials and see what other distributors have to say about doing business with us, then call 1-800-494-2721 or just click below to put the Top Secrets Manual System to work for you.
Literally thousands of man-hours went into the creation of this product, but now, you can download it in seconds, and implement it risk-free in your business for one full year.
Top Secrets Manual System
1. | Sales Team Manual |
2. | Operations Manual |
3. | Employee Handbook |
4. | Agreements |
5. | Job Descriptions |
6. | Forms |
Total Retail Value:
Special Price:
The Top Secrets Manual System is AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW via digital download from our website. Place your order and we’ll forward an email confirmation with complete download instructions.
Update: Save More than 50%
If you order today, you’ll receive a digital copy of the never-before-released audio seminar:
- Live From Australia -
Top Secrets: Down Under

This is an additional $149 value, yours free if you order now. Get the complete, $2,631 package now for just $1,997 $997.
Don't let this happen to you...

Click here or call 1-800-494-2721 Ext. 125 right now to put the Top Secrets Manual System and bonuses to work for you.
David Blaise
Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales
Blaise Drake & Company, Inc.
2669 Shillington Rd #422
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
(800) 494-2721 or (610) 685-9700
PS Be sure to click here to download the Massive Table of Contents for free, to see everything you get.