Yes, You Can Flat-out HAVE My
Promo Sales Hiring Guide...
How to Recruit, Hire, Train, Motivate and Keep a
World-Class Promotional Products Sales Team
Inside I'll show you...
- The Two Primary Methods of Recruiting Industry Salespeople
- Where to Look for New Recruits
- How to Use Training as a Profit Center
- The 9 Steps to Hiring a Promotional Products Salesperson
- How to Avoid Training Future Competition for Yourself
- Training Independent Contractors -- Legally!
- How to Keep the Best Salespeople in Your Organization
- ...and much more

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This Guide is a comprehensive tool/roadmap to hiring Salespeople in particular. And, the process can be used to hire other positions also. The focus on vision is “on pointe” as all objectives/goals of the business should tie to the Vision/Mission of the company. Also, you debunked the myth about not being able to hire Salespeople which has always been my reason. This Guide is about process and is excellent! Written by a true promo products professional.
Daryll Griffin, Accolades, Inc.
It was a very enlightening report. It pointed out a lot of things that I haven’t thought about. I now realize how many things I need to do before looking into hiring someone. I have a lot of research to do before going forward. I am looking forward to growing my business in the future.
Gerald Zieja
This report was very informative and thought provoking. I believe training is the stepping stones for success in any career endeavor. With that said, high quality training is what we should always strive for. It is great to have a document such as this available for reference that talks about some of the important issues confronting us as we make critical day-day training decisions.
Larry G. Snoddy , Leadingedge Global Services