Want to Grow Your Promotional Products Business by Hiring a Sales Team, Adding Independent Repesentatives, Expanding through Joint Ventures or Acquiring Other Businesses?
“Attention Industry Business Owners: Why Settle for Anemic Sales and Pathetic Profit Margins?”
Quickly Increase Promotional Products Sales and Dramatically Improve Profit Margins as Thousands Have Done…
Dear Industry Professional,
Would you like to quickly increase your promotional products sales and dramatically improve your margins without years of expensive trial & error?
Would you like to reduce or eliminate cold calling as a primary method of attracting new customers?
Are you interested in having highly qualified prospects contact you, instead of the other way around?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are ready for Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales…
"Three new accounts worth over a half a million dollars a year” for 15 year industry vet."
Turn your speakers on and press the PLAY button to listen…
Think about it. How would you like to have the industry’s most closely guarded profit secrets revealed? How much would that be worth to you and your family, right now?
Waiting to Figure it All Out for Yourself via Trial & Error is the Hard, Expensive Way to Do it…
It could take you dozens of years and cost you thousands of dollars to figure out which strategies and tactics work best – while others crash and burn.
So rather than beating your head against a wall trying to figure out what you’re doing wrong, eliminate the pressure now with…
Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales:
How to Increase Sales, Improve Margins and Grow Your Business, Guaranteed!
"“In just the first week alone… I not only made back the money that I spent on the tapes, but I also managed to put extra money in my pocket.”
Turn your speakers on and press the PLAY button to listen…
At last! The industry’s most closely guarded profit secrets revealed.
But don’t take my word for it, here’s what industry professionals from all over the country are saying about this incredible system:
“I purchased Top Secrets a year and a half ago and found it excellent. Point after point after point of real, tangible ideas to help Promo Products distributors with selling and managing their businesses. I would purchase them again. The tapes are definitely worth the price. I have easily reaped 10 times that much in added profit.”
—– Vytas “Mr. Education” Masalaitis
Widgets Promotions
This was by far the best investment I have made so far in my business. It is too bad that I had to spend several thousands of dollars on information that was not nearly as helpful.”
—– Matt Johnston
Life Styles Marketing, Inc.
“Six months ago, the gentleman that I worked for passed away and I took over the company, knowing next to nothing. These tapes helped me decide to stay in the business.”
—– Bob Keyser
Paul Moos Specialties
You may still be skeptical, and that’s fine. But think about this – if you keep doing the same things over and over again – you’ll only succeed in getting the same results. That’s why I insist on letting you try this proven program – completely and totally risk-free! (I’ll tell you about my full-year, iron-clad, money-back guarantee in a moment.)
How Many of These Powerful Secrets Can You Use To Ignite Sales and Boost Profits?
- How to reduce or eliminate cold calls as a primary method of attracting new business (Session 7)
- Secrets of growing your business beyond yourself (Session 10)
- The Twelve Fatal Mistakes of Promotional Products Salespeople and how to avoid them Hint: when something is going wrong in your business, chances are, one or more of these are to blame! (Sessions 3 and 4)
- How to quantifiably outperform your competition in all key areas of customer contact. What are the key areas? If you don’t know, how can you ever hope to manage them effectively? (Session 1)
- The Dangers of Price-Based Selling. Practiced by many, we’ll reveal why price-based selling today is the fast-track to disaster. (Sessions 4 and 9)
- How to Transform Commodity Products (like mugs and t-shirts), into exclusive, proprietary products worth more money! “Hey, wait a minute. How can my imprinted pens be worth more than hers?” They can. And we’ll show you lots of ways… (Session 5)
- How to increase response from your existing advertising by as much as 750%. This alone could more than pay for the entire program! (Session 7)
- How to Convert Dead Wood into Cash. You invest a lot of time in people who don’t buy from you. We’ll show you ways to make money even on the prospects you don’t sell. (Session 8)
- The Science of Making Excellent Product Recommendations Every Single Time. Hint: If you’re relying on creativity, you are working way too hard. (Session 6)
- How to Reclaim Your Margins: Making your own rules and setting your own pricing in an industry obsessed with fixed pricing. (Session 9)
- Growing your Business. There are just four ways to grow your promotional products distributorship – no more and no less. How many of them are you currently employing? In addition to revealing the four ways, we’ll provide industry-specific recommendations on how to fully exploit each one. (Session 2)
- Structuring Your Offers. Should you structure your offers from low quantities to high or vice-versa? Yes, there is a correct answer, and the wrong one will cost you plenty. (Session 4)
- How to liberate the unrealized revenues trapped inside your customer base. (Session 8)
… plus, lots more (for a complete overview of what you get, see below.)
“Instead of generalities like ‘let’s make money,’ your program offers step by step instructions on how to make more money.”
Turn your speakers on and press the PLAY button to listen…
Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Resource?
Well, realize that this guaranteed, turn-key system could easily sell for thousands of dollars. In fact if you were able to find a direct marketing expert, like myself, who also happened to have over fifteen years experience in the promotional products industry, to boil down years and years worth of trial & error, success & failure into one streamlined, easy-to-follow system, you’d likely be charged in the neighborhood of $10,000.00 to $15,000.00, not including production costs or travel time. And even then, there would be absolutely no guarantee of success.
(I currently charge a minimum of $2,997.00 for even the most basic telephone consulting. So at a bare bones minimum, you’re getting thousands of dollars worth of specific, targeted industry strategies that are guaranteed to produce.)
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount, or even my minimum project cost. In fact, your total investment for the complete Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales system, with my full year, iron-clad, money back guarantee is only $1,497. And if you charge the entire purchase to a major credit card today, I’ll deduct an additional $500.00, making your total purchase only $997.
If it’s so valuable, why the discount?
Well, it’s really quite simple. At $997, the program is expensive enough to scare away all the tire-kickers and hobbyists, but more than affordable for true professionals who take their careers and desired results seriously.
Right now, there are over 20,000 promotional products companies in the United States alone. But the truth is, many of them couldn’t sell their way out of a paper bag! And that makes the entire industry look bad.
Top Secrets is the great equalizer. It doesn’t discriminate. It teaches brand new distributors or established professionals how to do things better, more effectively, more PROFITABLY. Many distributors want to present a professional image, but often lack the training to do so. Top Secrets improves your results quickly, permanently and affordably.
Your success in using Top Secrets is completely guaranteed. In fact…
Here is My Full-Year, Iron-Clad, Money Back Guarantee. My Promise to You…
Test drive this proven success system entirely at my risk for one full year! If it doesn’t produce at least ten times its cost in increased sales or bottom-line savings, I don’t want you to keep it! Just let us know and get a full, fast refund with no hard feelings.
Is that fair enough for you?
The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you fail to produce top line sales or bottom line savings as a direct result of this system, then I’m the loser, not you.
Look at it this way — $997 won’t likely make a bit of difference in your standard of living. But the information you learn for that $997, will continue to pay you benefits every single day for the life of your business! And THAT could make a TREMENDOUS difference in your standard of living.
Here are a LOT more testimonials. These are real people, making real money that is far in excess of what they paid for the system.
Following is a complete overview of each session of the Owner's System, along with a brief description of the nine free bonuses...
- How to Outperform the Competition in All Key Areas of Customer Contact Who is your competition? What are they doing and how are they doing it? Session one contains a specific, step by step process that allows you to know, without a doubt, that you are objectively outperforming your competition in every key area of customer contact, every day of the year.
- Leverage & the Four Ways to Grow Your Distributorship The last thing the world needs is another average promotional products distributor. Session two tells you how to use the incredible leverage this industry provides to your best competitive advantage. There are, in fact, only four ways to grow a promotional products business? In this session, we’ll tell you what they are, and make industry-specific recommendations on how to fully exploit each one.
- The Twelve Fatal Mistakes of Promotional Products Salespeople (Part 1) Chances are, if something is going wrong in your business, it's related to one of the twelve fatal mistakes. In this session, we'll examine the first six mistakes and offer specific suggestions on how to avoid them.
- The Twelve Fatal Mistakes of Promotional Products Salespeople (Part 2) If you have ever felt like you've worked as an unpaid consultant, don't worry. You are not alone! In this session,we'll examine the remaining Fatal Mistakes and specific recommendations on how to handle them.
- How to Transform Commodity Products into Exclusive, Proprietary Products Worth More Money How can your imprinted pens be worth more than your competitors? We’ll show you lots of ways, in this eye-opening session dedicated to boosting your bottom line. Includes: defining a commodity, how to differentiate yourself, secrets of tilting the level playing field, how to use timing, guarantees and branding to tranform commodities & more.
- The Science of Making Excellent Product Recommendations Every Single Time That’s right, science, not art. If you’ve been relying on creativity for your product recommendations, you are working way too hard! This session is a blueprint for making consistently smart, targeted product recommendations with every presentation. If you have ever spent hours trying to figure out the perfect suggestion for a hard-to-please client, this session is for you.
- How to Get the Maximum Impact from Every Marketing Dollar You Spend (Part 1) This Marketing Boot Camp should be required listening for the Promotional Products Industry. Why rely on cold calling as a primary method of attracting new business? Learn how the “miracle” of direct response advertising can drive a steady stream of qualified prospects to your door. Also: letting your customers vote with their wallets. Differentiating yourself from your competition. Secrets of Lifetime Value. Directing Your Message. How to increase response rates from your existing ads by as much as 750%. The Dangers of Ego Advertising. And more…
- How to Get the Maximum Impact from Every Marketing Dollar You Spend (Part 2) Part two on this vital topic continues with ways to make money even on prospects you don’t sell. How to liberate the unrealized revenue trapped inside your customer base. Using risk-reversal and guarantees to boost sales. Much more…
- Reclaiming Your Margins: Making Your Own Rules and Setting Your Own Pricing... In this profit-driven session, we'll show you how and where to cut costs, increase margins, make your distributorship more profitable, and immediately increase your income. Yes, you can earn more money on the sales you are already making! Isn't now a good time to start?
- How to Develop a Loyal, Winning Sales Team Where can I find competent sales people? How can I get them to do what I need to do? This session is a crash course in how to create and motivate a loyal, winning team.
- Secrets of Building a Business Instead of a Job You should view your career as a promotional products salesperson, independent representative or business owner as an equity investment that absolutely must pay off for you. Some end up with a pot of gold at the end of their promotional products career. Some end up without a pot to promote in. We'll tell you how to keep the latter from happening to you.
- Frequently Asked Questions and action plan for getting started right away How do I get the "big" customers? How do I secure jobs on open bid & still make an acceptable profit margin? More...
- Confidential Top Secrets Workbook
Salesperson’s System: 40 pages
Plus, when you try the Top Secrets Owner's System risk-free now, you'll also get the following Valuable Bonuses, FREE...
- How to Increase Promotional Products Sales Through eBusiness In this recording of a live seminar, we'll discuss the six primary eBusiness tools you can use to convert prospects into clients.
- Live Interview: Online Q & A In this informative session, Top Secrets author David Blaise fields dozens of questions from promotional products professionals across the country on a variety of topics.
- Special Report: How to Grow Your Promotional Products Sales A crash course on the only ways available to grow your promotional products business. Know what they are? If you don’t, how can you ever hope to execute?
- Special Report: How to Prevent Prospects from Wasting Your Time As a professional in the promotional products industry, you should know that time is more valuable than money. If you run out of money, you can always make more. But if you run out of time… all the money in the world won’t help you. In this special report, David Blaise lays out strategies designed to help keep prospects from wasting your time.
- Special Report: How to Protect Your Clients and Your Commissions from Incomplete Orders There are few things worse than having to tell your client that his or her order did not arrive complete. If your client places an order for 1,000 units of something, but the supplier short-ships you only 950, that makes you look bad to your client. To make matters worse, you sold 50 units that you will never be paid on. Fortunately, there is something you can do to virtually guarantee complete orders and higher commissions. Protect your clients and your commissions with this eye-opening report!
- What Every Promotional Products Distributor Salesperson Needs to Know
1.) Eight Great Traits of Promotional Products Professionals
2.) Top 15 Countdown: What’s Most Important to Customers
3.) The ABCs of Promotional Product Sales (Part I)
4.) The ABCs of Promotional Product Sales (Part II)
Your No-Risk, Full-Year Trial Begins Today
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Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales:
The Owner's System
The Owner's System

Top Secrets Owner's System
$997 Online Access- 1. How to Outperform the Competition in All Key Areas of Customer Contact
- 2. Leverage & the Four Ways to Grow Your Distributorship
- 3. The Twelve Fatal Mistakes of Promotional Products Salespeople (Part 1)
- 4. The Twelve Fatal Mistakes of Promotional Products Salespeople (Part 2)
- 5. How to Transform Commodity Products into Exclusive, Proprietary Products Worth More Money
- 6. The Science of Making Excellent Product Recommendations Every Single Time
- 7. How to Get the Maximum Impact from Every Marketing Dollar You Spend (Part 1)
- 8. How to Get the Maximum Impact from Every Marketing Dollar You Spend (Part 2)
- 9. Reclaiming Your Margins
- 10. How to Develop a Loyal, Winning Sales Team
- 11. Secrets of Building a Business Instead of a Job
- 12. Frequently Asked Questions and action plan for getting started right away
- Bonus: How to Increase Promotional Products Sales Through eBusiness
- Bonus: Live Interview: Online Q & A
- Bonus: Special Report: How to Grow Your Promotional Products Sales
- Bonus: Special Report: How to Prevent Prospects from Wasting Your Time
- Bonus: Special Report: How to Protect Your Clients and Your Commissions from Incomplete Orders
- Bonus: What Every Promotional Products Distributor Salesperson Needs to Know Training
- Confidential 40 Page WorkbookPDF
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With Our Guarantee, The Biggest Risk Isn’t Trying Top Secrets, The Biggest Risk is Letting Your Competitors Try it First!
Top Secrets is everywhere now. Well over 20,000 industry professionals receive our e-mail newsletter. Thousands have already have purchased the system. Others are attending our live training, our boot-camps and teleseminars. And the list is growing every day, so don’t put it off. To get started now…
Click below to get it now or Call Toll-Free 24 Hours: 800-494-2721.
How much longer can you afford to keep putting it off? Increase sales, improve margins and grow your business now with Top Secrets.
David Blaise
Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales
Blaise Drake & Company, Inc.
2669 Shillington Rd #422
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
(800) 494-2721 or (610) 685-9700
P.S. Remember, you’ll save $500.00 and get the complete, 12 session Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales Owner’s System for just $997 plus shipping and handling when you pay in full using a major credit card by midnight tonight.