Are you ready to start dominating your market in just 22 minutes a day?
Create More Awareness and Stop Losing Business to Competitors Who are Better Known, Better Recognized and Better Connected
What if your very best prospects, without prompting, thought of you first, the moment they were in need of the products and services you offer?
It's Time to Create Top of Mind Awareness and Dominate Your Market!
From the Desk of Business Growth Expert David Blaise:
Attention Business Owners and Salespeople
Isn't it time you stopped taking a back seat to your competitors?
Start dominating your target market in less than 22 minutes a day...
How would it transform your life and your business, if you were able to sell more of your products and services by creating a superior level of top of mind awareness with the very best prospects in your target market?
And what if you could do all that WITHOUT taking an enormous amount of time from your current daily activities?
Right now, there are recognized leaders and followers in your market for the products & services you offer.
Leaders lead because prospects think of them first, before considering any other options.
Want proof? Examine your own experience...
When you do an online search: Do you first think, "hmm, I wonder which search engine I should use today?"
Probably not. It's likely you go right to the one you saved to your browser on autopilot.
When you're ready to buy a mobile phone: Do you say to yourself, "wow, there are hundreds of options to choose from. I wonder which one I should get?" Or do you already know the one or two brands you might be wiling to consider?
When you want to buy a book: Do you buy it from Amazon (because you like them) OR do you buy it somewhere else, because you don't like Amazon?
Either way, Amazon has top of mind awareness.
That means it's likely they were at least considered for the purchase -- as opposed to nearly every other bookstore in the world that could never be considered, because you don't even know they exist!
Question: Are You Recognized as the Leader in Your Market or Just Another Faceless Follower?
FACT: Leaders Have Top of Mind Awareness.
And Followers Don't Have a Prayer. Why?
Because a prospect can realize they need something, and have the leader immediately leap to mind.
They can then contact the leader, place an order and satisfy the need without anyone else ever knowing the business was available.
Poor suckers never stood a chance!
You know how frustrating it is when you lose an order that you thought you would be getting? Well, guess what? That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Most of the business you didn't get was lost without you ever knowing it existed!
It happens every time someone else manages to create top of mind awareness with your best, targeted prospects.
"You Don't Have a Selling Problem. You Have an Awareness Problem."
-- David Blaise
But here's the good news: When you begin to create top of mind awareness, then you become the one who gets the sale before your competition ever knows it's available.
How do you think it will feel when the very best prospects in your target market start to buy from you before considering any other options or alternatives?
It'll feel pretty good, won't it?
Well, that's what Total Market Domination is all about.
Are you ready to create top of mind awareness and dominate your market?
Since 1998, we've been working with small business owners and salespeople to help them increase sales, improve profit margins, and grow their businesses by creating the level of top of mind awareness they need, with the very best prospects in their target market. Over that time, we've helped thousands of business professionals to grow their sales and profits.
Much of the work we've done to date has been teaching highly effective profit strategies that are either unknown or unpracticed by the majority of businesses.
Since so few people either know or practice these strategies, we began referring to them as "Top Secrets," and our brand was born.
But the world of sales and marketing has changed. Increasingly, more and more business is going to fewer and fewer companies. Some are growing incredibly while others are disappearing.
The dominance of brands such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Walmart, and others have left many small businesses flailing, feeling completely overwhelmed and unable to compete.
This shift in the way business is conducted has demonstrated that there is one key aspect that's present with all the market leaders, that's largely absent with most businesses in general, and that key aspect is, of course...
Top of Mind Awareness
When I first started out in business, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing.
Like most business owners, I had a skill. Mine was doing audio production: radio commercials, industrial narrations and messages on hold for small businesses. "Thank you for calling Joe's pizza. Please stay on the line. Someone will be with you in a moment."
How's that for a skill?
While I was reasonably good at creating commercials and messages on hold, I was terrible at creating awareness of that fact among the people who actually needed the service.
As a result, my first business limped along and eventually fizzled out.
That failure made me realize the importance of not just being good at what I did, but the importance of being able to make people aware of it, so they could actually buy from me.
After that, I became a bit of a maniac when it came to the idea of sales and marketing.
I read literally hundreds of books (no exaggeration.) I listened to hundreds of audio programs. I watched tons of video. But more importantly, I implemented what I learned.
I put it to the test.
I determined that much of it was completely worthless, and quite a bit was actually harmful to my results and relationships.
But I also discovered that tiny bits, here and there, were incredibly valuable and incredibly effective.
I used what I learned, to create a successful business in the promotional products industry.
We specialized in helping public television stations increase the amount of money they could bring in during their pledge drives. As a result of that, we became well known in that niche and began to dominate our market. Pretty soon, nearly every public television station in the United States was buying from us.
Because of the awareness we created in our niche, I was able to build up that business, sell it for cash in 1997, and focus on my next venture: a science fiction mail order catalog business.
At the time, the leader in that market was doing about a million and a half dollars in annual sales. I thought, "wow, if we could do a million and a half dollars in sales of science fiction collectibles, that would be awesome."
In our first year did $300,000. In our second year we did $1.6 million. In our third year we did $2.7 million and in our fourth year we did just under $4 million dollars in catalog sales, creating top of mind awareness and dominating our little niche market.
In 2001, I began helping small businesses -- primarily in the print and promotions industry -- to grow their sales and profits using the methods that had worked for me in my various businesses.
I created a series of training products and coaching programs, focusing on the biggest obstacles that were holding businesses back.
The clients who took action on my recommendations started to see results. Word spread, and I became recognized as a leader in the training market for small business owners and salespeople. Since 2001, I've conducted live sales and marketing training at nearly every major industry trade show.
Between our newsletters, podcasts, packaged & digital training programs and live events, we've now helped thousands of small business owners and salespeople to increase their sales and their profits.
Today, my focus is on helping business owners and salespeople (like you!) to achieve the one common denominator, the single focus point that helps every business differentiate itself from the competition and get the business before their competition does.
This is the biggest elephant in the room. It's the missing link:
The fact that most businesses fail to dominate, because they don't leap to mind when a purchase is actually being considered!
As a result, they never have a chance at the business.
So at this point you may wonder, "can I really begin to achieve top of mind awareness with my target market even if I'm operating on a limited budget?
I'm happy to answer that question with a resounding "yes!" And here's why...
By clearly identifying the markets and submarkets you want to target. You can begin to create awareness immediately with exactly the high value prospects most likely to buy from you.
But before we go any further, I'd like you to hear from some established Top Secrets clients who have previously implemented some of the recommendations from my previous training programs.
Top Secrets Saved my 401K*
22 New Clients. It’s Fabulous.*
The ROI is Wonderful*
$117,000 in Gross Sales in a Little Over a Week and a Half*
I really just want to say what a difference the Top Secrets Programs have made for my business and myself personally. Mr. David Blaise is the most influential, highly experienced, down to earth coach in the promotional products industry. I have yet to find another program out there where the basic foundations of building a promotional products business is so clearly explained and action oriented.
Brian Kim Hoopla Promo
After completing his Getting Started and Customer Acquisition Programs, roughly 3 weeks later I was able to make a little over $117,000.00 in gross sales in a little over a week and a half period with 3 new clients. I also want to personally thank David Kilmer and Mary Frances for their excellent support and communication. I strongly recommend anyone to really make the effort to learn from Mr. David Blaise and his programs. You will not only save money, but your TIME as well. Your most important asset.
Top Secrets Even Helps Get Santa’s Sales Off the Ground!
Ron Breach of Silent Salesmen Promotions in Orange California has been a loyal Top Secrets client since May 2001. During the holiday season, he also appears as Santa Claus for many businesses and charitable organizations. Recently, Ron said that in addition to helping him with his promotional products business, “Thanks to Top Secrets, I’m even booking better Santa gigs!
Ron Breach Silent Salesman Promotions
Here's what a few Total Market Domination customers are saying inside the course

I love sharing comments like these from our Total Market Domination customers, because it demonstrates that we're serious about getting them results and growing their businesses.
But beyond that, I REALLY love working with each one of our clients inside the TMD course. We get to work together to create solutions that are best suited to the strengths and preferences of each client.
If you've read this far, it's likely you're a business owner or salesperson who wants to grow their sales and profits.
You may have hit a plateau, or maybe you're struggling to reach critical mass: The point in your business at which it becomes self sustaining and highly profitable.
In either event, if there's business you know you're missing out on and you need to bring it in, this program will help you do it.
When you join Total Market Domination, you'll get access to the password protected areas of our members-only website. The course is broken up into 9 modules, which are released over the first 9 weeks of the course. This will give you adequate time to follow along, and begin implementing real time if you decide to do that.
But you're not going to be bombarded with reams of paper or hours of endless droning videos (like I was when I first started learning this stuff!)
You won't have to be subjected to all the stuff that doesn't work, before you can get to the gold -- the stuff that actually works.
Instead, you'll be given a roadmap, an action plan, with very specific instructions on the actions you need to take next to get the results you want from your business.
You'll have 24/7 access to be able to ask questions or request clarification on any of the training. And after the first 9 weeks are over, you continue to have access to go back over the material, ask your questions, and implement the recommendations at your own pace.
I think you'll find your ability to review the material as often as you like, at your own convenience, to be simply priceless. You'll also get additional bonus material designed to address your specific needs and help accelerate your results.
Let's Start by Getting a 10X Return on Your Investment
Our short-term goal is to generate a 10X ROI for participants in the TMD Program as quickly as possible.
This means generating tens of thousands of dollars in new business that you would not have generated without taking the actions in the program.
When you start applying this material consistently, we fully expect your returns to continue to grow from there.
But the initial 10X target gives us something very specific to shoot for together, to demonstrate that were are on the right track.
Hitting that number will then take a lot of the pressure off, and allow you to further lean in to the process when you have proven to yourself that this actually works and that you can do it.
Of course, we can't guarantee that you will generate that sort of return, since we don't know how much of the material you will actually apply or how well you will apply it. But 10X would be our initial goal for you in this program.
The primary course runs for 9 weeks, so you can start taking action as soon as you join, and immediately get up to speed on everything you need to know.
But even more importantly, we will continue to work with you for a full year, so you can implement the recommendations and receive feedback every step of the way.
Here's How We Do It
First, get grounded in the essentials of Total Market Domination
Start with a tour of the members area, then review the Total Market Domination Workshop series and Q & A videos.
- Are you the leader in your market?
- Why so many professionals fail to dominate
- Solutions to the 12 Biggest Obstacles to Market Domination
- Q & A Sessions

Your Market Domination Mindset & Plan
Transform your thought process & plan your results.
Get grounded in the mindset of leadership, awareness creation, and market domination. As you begin to see the vision of what your business can become, you'll have a much better idea of where you're going, along with the plans and action steps you'll need to take to get there.
- The Essentials: Prepare to dominate
- The Three Pillars
- Your Plan for Market Domination
- The TMD Live Training Session

Module 1
Select Your Ideal Clients
Cherry pick the markets, submarkets & people you want to target.
Unless you have the resources to market to everyone, you have to be selective about who to target and who to leave to your competitors. This means identifying the high-dollar, high-value clients you need to reach and influence. When you do this correctly, you can begin to dominate your market almost immediately, even on a limited budget.
- Choosing Your Initial Target Markets
- Identifying Your Largest Manageable Submarket
- Selecting Your Targets
- Is Your Market TMD-Worthy?

Module 2
Craft Your Communication
Master Your Messaging to dominate your market
Market leaders think, act, and communicate differently than the rest of the population. Your communication is all about what you say about what you do. That's why your messaging is such a critical part of the equation. In this module, we'll make sure you get that nailed.
- Creating Value in Your Communication
- The MVPs of Marketing & Sales™
- Entry-Level Awareness
- Comfort-Level Awareness
- Message to Market Match
Initiate First Contact
Create the best first impression with the leaders in your market.
The relationship begins here -- as you initiate simultaneous contact with many of the top buyers in your designated market. Doing this the right way is critical, because it sets the stage for every interaction you have going forward.
- Consider Your First Contact
- Make a Splash
- Leading with Cold-Calls, Networking & Referrals
- Leading with Direct Mail
- Leading with Social Media
- Leading with Advertising
- The Path

Module 4
Strategic Follow-Up & Qualification
Perfect your approach for strategic follow-up and qualification.
Many sales are lost to sloppy, annoying, or inadequate follow-up. So when you finally begin to engage strategically -- and implement your own, proven Lead Qualification Procedure -- everything becomes easier. From there, you and your team will be pushing all the right buttons, at the right time, to influence your prospects and achieve maximum profitability.
- The Prequalification Bridge
- Strategic vs. Typical Follow-Up
- Prospecting
- The Five Levels of Qualification
- Create Your LQP
- A Fork in the Road
- Requalify Constantly
- Your Client Reactivation Template

Module 5
Sequence and Automate Your Follow-Up
Leverage technology to engage people even as you sleep.
If you've ever gone back to a previous contact, and found out they purchased from someone else, you already know the importance of staying top-of-mind with your prospects and clients. Now you can delegate much of your lead gen and follow-up to drip campaigns -- using affordable autoresponder technology -- to remain visible to your people, even while you're sleeping, vacationing, or otherwise engaged
- Sequencing
- Drip Made Simple
- Drip FAQs
- Autoresponder Tech

Module 6
Attract Clients with Lures & Lead Magnets
Get them coming to you and feeling like it's their idea!
It's so much easier to sell when prospects approach you, rather than you approaching them. In these situations, they are far more likely to take ownership of their decision and move forward -- especially when they feel like it's their idea! That's why Lures & Lead Magnets are such powerful motivators when it comes to persuading your ideal clients to reach out. Whether physical or digital, we've got you covered, right down to the specific prompts you need to create them quickly and effectively using AI.
- Lead Magnets
- Digital Lead Magnets
- The Lure Model
- The Lure Model: Examples
- Creating Lures with AI: Part 1
- Creating Lures with AI: Part 2

Module 10
Close Like the Wind
Now It's Time to Seal the Deal.
As you begin to dominate your market, closing sales becomes a lot easier, because people already know they want to do business with you. But you still have to be able to seal the deal. This module is about getting those you're in touch with to actually convert and place that order.
- Get Comfortable with Closing
- Make it Unnecessary
- Bridging the Marketing/Sales Disconnect
- Simple, Effective Closing Tactics

Module 8
Identify Next Opportunities & Repeat
Let's evaluate your results and plan your future!
Each market domination campaign is built to attract ideal clients. That means identifying what worked, eliminating what didn't, and planning future activities to expand our reach. This approach allows us to gain more clients, build our reputation, and dominate more of the markets we target. Reviewing results is like showering. You don't do it just once. By identifying our opportunities and evaluating the success of our efforts, we create even better plans and more inspiring results going forward!
- ID Pluses & Deltas
- Evaluate Performance
- Evaluate Results
- Commencement
- What's Next?
- The TMD Q & A Teleconference

Module 9
Market domination is not a onetime event. It's a lifestyle. I believe it's a lifestyle you are going to love.
Remember, this is not about reading and studying until your eyes are blurry. It's about dedicating just 22 minutes or so per day to dominating your market!
It's about following specific instructions that are designed to create a result for you. And these are the kinds of results that can dramatically increase the value of your business, because they leverage your ability to grow profitably, which increases the value to a potential buyer.
We're going to cover a lot of ground together each day, but then you'll have the ability to double down on it again and again and again as we work together to grow your business.
Throughout that time, you can take advantage of as much or as little coaching as you need. But however you approach it, you'll come out the other side with the skill sets you need to create top of mind awareness and dominate the markets you target.
That's an important promise, but as far as I'm concerned, it's not quite enough.
See, I want to make sure this really works for you, which means we have to get way beyond the idea of just knowing stuff and we have to get deep into doing it.
So I'm going to help you with the tips, tricks, scripts, and bullet point templates you'll use to reach out to your designated market, authentically, and in your own words.
You'll be able to communicate exactly what differentiates you in the market, making you better and different than your competitors.
By now, I hope you recognize that I've put together a really incredible offer for you. But I thought long and hard about how I could make it even more valuable and I came up with two amazing bonuses I'd like to tell you about.
Each one of these bonuses should easily be worth more to you than the entire cost of the program, and each one should allow you to bring more clients and more business in as a direct result of using the bonus.

Total Market Domination Live
1. TMD Live Event Recording
This is a recording of a live Total Market Domination session that David Blaise conducted for a group of business owners and salespeople in Chicago. It covers many of the essentials of the approach, (but of course not nearly as in depth as we will inside the course itself.)
In the overview presentation, you'll get a clear idea of how this approach is designed to work for you, and it will be live inside the portal for you as soon as you log in.
2. One-on-One Strategy Session
This is a bonus that we really had to think long and hard about including. You see, we want to keep the cost of this program as affordable as possible, but we also realize that in order for you to get the very best results, we need to include it. So we're adding an exclusive, one-on-one strategy session in which you and TMD author David Blaise will get together on the phone or Skype and identify the most pressing issues you need to accomplish.
He'll take a look at what you're doing now, what's working well for you, and what needs help so that we can tailor the rest of the program toward meeting your specific needs. You'll cover a lot in your time together and it's likely the ideas will be flowing fast and furiously. So you'll also get a digital recording of the strategy session, which you can review as often as you want to help keep you on track and focused on achieving your goals.

Total Market Domination Live
NOTE: Bonus #2 alone is easily a $1,495 value, and due to the time intensive nature of one-on-one coaching, this bonus has to be strictly limited and could disappear at any time. So if you have not already done so, I would encourage you to register now.
If you add up the cost of just these bonuses, you're looking at at least several thousand dollars worth of value. And of course, we're determined to make it worth far more than that to you over the course of this program.
Remember, if you want to create the top of mind awareness necessary for you to be thought of first, when your very best prospects need the products and services you offer, then you have to begin to do things differently.
It's more than marketing. It's more than sales. It's a mindset that becomes a lifestyle -- one that creates tremendous value for you and your customers.
Think of how your life will be different when you are viewed as the leader in your market... when you leap to mind as the go-to person for the specific market you're targeting.
Go ahead and schedule a call now to join me for Total Market Domination. But please keep in mind, this is a very limited time offer, particularly at the current pricing and with the one-on-one coaching bonus. So if you want to get in on that, be sure to register now. Because you won't see this program offered again with all these bonuses at the current price.
If you do miss out this time, it's possible you will have another chance at some point in the future. But I can guarantee it will not come with this combination of bonuses at this reduced price point.
So if you're ready to start dominating your market in a good way, then it's time to say "yes" to Total Market Domination.
Don't forget, when you register now you'll get instant access to the recording of the live session I did in Chicago, the three (3) Q & A sessions, the ability to immediately ask your own questions. AND we'll be in touch to schedule your bonus one-on-one strategy session.
Give us 22 minutes a day, and we'll give you a complete road map for market domination.
What's so magical about 22 minutes a day?
Simple. It's 22 minutes that your competitors will NOT be focused on market domination, but you will. Beyond that, by starting each business day like this, you'll notice all sorts of market domination opportunities that you previously would have missed.
Market domination is a lifestyle. And I think it's a lifestyle you're going to love!
One last thing... I am not a market domination magician. Over a period of nearly 20 years of hard trial and error, I was able to create, modify, and adapt the systems and processes that will allow you to create the top of mind awareness you need with exactly the people you want to reach.
Since then, I have continued to work on it, refine it, add to it, and perfect it.
The result is a system, a process, a series of steps that can be applied very successfully over and over again. So if you're ready to create that top of mind awareness and start dominating your chosen market, then your next step is to schedule a call and register for Total Market Domination.
Now is your time.
It's your turn to step up and make your move.
There has never been a better time to do this, but you have to act now. Registration at this special pricing is closing soon.
So enroll in Total Market Domination now and say yes to being viewed as the leader in your market -- the go-to person for the products and services you offer -- the person who leaps to mind when demand is greatest for your products and services!
It's time to stop fighting for the scraps and start dominating. Click the link below and I'll see you inside.