"How to Launch a
Wildly Successful Career in
Promotional Products Sales"

It’s FINALLY ready… for years, this proprietary training was ONLY available through live seminars and private consultation.

It took nearly eight years to create, adapt, perfect and complete this course.

And now we are going to break our silence and "spill the beans" to show you how to quickly and easily grow your promotional products sales from the ground up!

I’m going to try something very different here.

Instead of hitting you over the head with a lot of hype about why you need to have the Getting Started Training System, I’m just going to tell you what’s in it and allow you to make your own decision.

Since you’re seeing this page, it’s likely that you are a client, a subscriber to the Top Secrets email newsletter, a podcast listener, blog visitor or industry professionals who is already familiar with our material. Perhaps you’ve attended one of David Blaise’s live seminars, listened to one of his audios, invested in one of his training systems or watched at least a Top Secrets video or two online. So I’ll just lay it all out for you…

There is a lot of information in this letter: Video clips, audio clips, photos and text. That is because we want you to make an informed decision… There should be no doubt in your mind about what you are getting from us and what you can expect as a client. If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 1-800-494-2721 and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.

Now let’s get started…

These are just some of the core components of the Getting Started Success System, which will show you how to launch a wildly successful career in promotional products sales…

From: David Blaise
Thursday, 8:38 AM
Wyomissing, PA

The General Idea of Selling Promotional Products is to...

1. Find a prospect
2. Sell promotional products to the prospect
3. Invoice and repeat

Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? Anyone could do that!

But now let’s consider this…

The General Idea of Brain Surgery is to...

1. Open the skull
2. Repair the problem area of the brain
3. Close skull and invoice

If we just look at the general idea, brain surgery seems pretty simple, too!

Question: Does Having a General Idea of What to Do — In Any Profession – Qualify You to Do That Job?

Answer: Obviously not.

Having a general idea of what to do is very different than knowing all the specifics of how to do it.

Fortunately, there are laws that prevent someone with just a general idea of brain surgery from operating

Unfortunately, there are no such laws when it comes to the sale and marketing of promotional products!

The Two Primary Reasons Promotional Products Distributors Fail…

Ever want to know the two primary reasons distributors in the promotional products industry fail? Statistically it all boils down to this:

Reason 1: They don’t know what to do… or to be more precise, they have a general idea of what to do, but never manage to learn the specifics of how to do it exceptionally well.

Reason 2: Even those who know what to do and how to do it, often fail to fully and consistently implement what they know.

Objectively, you already know this to be true. If not, consider…

The Raw Enthusiasm of New Distributors

Very often, those who are brand new to the industry are the most excited about it. They are so enthused with all the potential and all the opportunity, that they just can’t wait to get started!

So they don’t wait to get started! They just dive right in head first…

They immerse themselves in product details and cold calls, telling everyone they know about what they’re doing. Their sheer passion about their new venture is electric! So they talk to everyone they know (and many people they don’t know,) while overlooking one important thing…

They Don’t Know What They’re Talking About!

In their sheer enthusiasm to get started, they fail to take the time to really learn the job, learn the industry or learn how to do things well.

Instead, they either "wing it" (making it up as they go), or they play "follow the follower" learning it from someone else who never really bothered learning it in the first place!)

  • Which businesses and industries are most likely to buy promotional products?
  • Which people and positions within those businesses and industries?
  • Why do they buy them?
  • What motivates them to take action and make a purchase?
  • What should a true promotional advisor ask them?
  • What are their primary concerns and how can we address them?
  • What should we say? And how should we say it?

When you’re brand new to the industry, you’re often fired up. You are motivated to get in front of people… You want to do well. You are excited about all the opportunities and ready for action!

But often, a lack of industry-specific knowledge makes it impossible to convert enthusiasm into sales…

New distributors often get in front of a lot of people, say the wrong things, ask the wrong questions, recommend the wrong products and choose the wrong suppliers…

As a result, they end up missing deadlines, alienating prospects, losing sales, giving the industry a black eye, and eventually, burning out.

This is a real shame. But it’s a fact of life. It has always happened like this and it will continue to happen. That’s the bad news. The good news is…

It Doesn’t Have to Happen to You!

When bright, motivated salespeople and business owners like yourself get the industry-specific training you need, you can quickly become a sales superstar and dominate your market, because you are willing and able to do what it takes to succeed.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I open to learning the specific strategies and action steps that would allow me to become extremely successful in this business?

2. Am I willing to invest in myself up front to learn what I need to know? (Rather than "flying blind" and squandering enormous amounts of money over an extended period of time on expensive trial and error…)

3. Will I commit to taking consistent action on the things I learn? If you answer yes to these three questions, then I am absolutely convinced you can be extremely successful in this business.

"The best (and the highest paid) professionals in our field are constantly learning, investing in their own personal growth and committed to taking action on what they’ve learned."

Think about it…

Would you trust a surgeon — who hadn’t picked up a book since graduating medical school — to operate on yourself or a loved one?

Would you prefer to deal with an attorney who graduated from a prestigious law school and knows how to get you the best results or one who just gets clients first and then tries to figure out how to handle things afterward?

What about those who "know-it-all" but can’t earn a living because they fail to take action on the things they know? Would you want to hire such a person? Would you want to be such a person?
Probably not.

If you are just getting started in promotional products sales, or if you have been doing it for awhile, but feel you have not yet reached the level of success you’re striving for, I have important news for you…

You Can Launch a Wildly Successful Career in Promotional Products Sales…

So how can I possibly know that and who am I to say so?

Well, if you don’t know me already, my name is David Blaise and I’ve been involved in the promotional products industry since 1988 as a salesman, sales manager, marketing manager, business owner, sales trainer, speaker, coach and consultant.

I’ve been engaged by many of the top promotional products businesses and associations in the United States, Canada and Australia to help them increase sales, improve profit margins and grow business for themselves and their members.

If you’d like more on my qualifications, you are welcome to click here. But this letter is not about me. It’s about you.

How to Shortcut the Learning Curve and Quickly Become a True Promotional Consultant…

On this web page, I have included video excerpts and bullet points on some of the material covered in the Getting Started Training System. I have done this, because I think you should have a good idea of what you are getting, up front.

The recommendations in this training system are tested and proven. They have worked for me in my promotional products business (and in my direct marketing businesses) and they have worked for literally thousands of other industry professionals who have been implementing my training materials since 1998. A few examples:

Patrick Doyle Turned $400,000 in Sales into Nearly $800,000

Click the video to play

Cyndi’s Sales Doubled, Turning Her "Hobby" into Real Job

Cyndi Stout Promoz!

“I am at the blind loyalty stage with David Blaise and all of his powerful products! My personal sales last year more than doubled! Gone are the days of lower commissions to gain a new client! I acquired two NATIONAL accounts by following his advice! Again, thanks for your help. Let David know that I am so happy that I found him and his products. So is my husband who said ‘Glad to see this has turned into a real job instead of a hobby!’ I made almost 6 figures last year! And surely will do six this year!”

Cyndi Stout Promoz!

Geiger CEO Gene Geiger says: "Accountability & Results"

Gene Geiger, CEO

“David Blaise is considered by most to be the leading trainer of sales persons in the industry today. He goes beyond fuzzy feel-good creativity to focus on accountability and results. He knows what it takes to develop and implement promotions that work.”

Gene Geiger, CEO Geiger Promotional Products

Paul Yahnke says his
"ROI is "Staggering"…
Sales Increased 53%

Paul S.Yahnke

“I have invested in everything offered by Top Secrets and my ROI is staggering! My sales have increased by over 53% since purchasing these training systems. If you’re serious about increasing your sales and improving your quality of life, I strongly recommend that you invest into YOUR future with the Top Secrets systems.”

Paul S.Yahnke

Maura Sevier-Burgess: Fiscal Year Sales Up 202%… August "Our Best Month Ever!"

Maura Sevier-Burgess

If you are on the fence as to whether or not this is a valuable program, figure out whether or not a 200% increase year over year is worth it for you. It’s definitely been worth it for us.

To hear Maura’s story in her own words, turn on your speakers and click the play button below…

Maura Sevier-Burgess

The Top Secrets/Getting Started Advantage

Since 1998, when we first began offering industry-specific success systems to the promotional products industry, no one else has come close to providing the same level of training, support and service.

Here are a few specific advantages that you get with Blaise Drake & Company:

1. Our success systems are tested, proven and industry-specific
2. Our systems are backed by an exclusive, full-year, iron-clad, money-back guarantee
3. We employ a full-time staff of industry professionals dedicated to helping you to increase sales, improve profit margins and grow your business on a guaranteed basis
4. Your success is our only focus. We do not compete with our clients by selling promotional products on the side
5. Our training supports your goals. We do not offer industry training as a sideline to promote a supplier business or supplement a distributor business

In short, our entire business is geared toward serving you.

In our newest multimedia success system, Getting Started, you will discover:

  • Which Businesses and Industries to Target
  • Which Positions to Target within Each Business
  • What Specific Questions to Ask
  • How to Build Rapport Systematically
  • What Promotional Products Buyers Really Want
  • …and much more

The system includes all the training you need to get started in promotional products sales. But let me break it down for you and show you exactly what you get with each individual component.

The Introduction gives you an overview of the industry and of our training system. It includes the top markets for promotional products, the top product categories, a crash course on the difference between Art & Artwork, methods of decoration, industry price codes and much more.

Getting Started Introduction

  • Welcome to Getting Started
  • Top Markets for Promotional Products
  • Top Product Categories
  • Selecting Suppliers
  • Art vs. Artwork
  • Common Setup Procedures
  • Methods of Decoration
  • Industry Price Codes

From there, you’ll proceed to Module 1, which begins by helping you to determine your mindset and your approach to the business. It outlines each of the major steps from obscurity to loyalty in the mind of the client and begins to examine what’s most important to clients in their dealings with industry professionals:

Getting Started 1

Click the video to play

In this clip: David Blaise discusses how to move from total obscurity to blind customer loyalty in the mind of a prospect.

  • Distributor or advisor: what’s your mindset?
  • Are you product centered or client centered?
  • Consultative selling vs. order taking
  • The last thing this world needs…
  • The high cost of making your own mistakes
  • What’s your approach? Salesperson or owner?
  • At what level do you wish to operate?
  • Success is a process…
  • What the most successful industry professionals have in common
  • How to move from obscurity to loyalty in the mind of the prospect
  • Establishing rapport with intelligent repetition of contact
  • The effect of one time customers on business
  • The single factor that determines whether or not a customer comes back
  • What Henry Ford can teach us about managing information
  • How to use product research capability as a marketing tool
  • How to claim a marketing advantage — even when dealing with an evenly matched opponent!
  • The importance of promoting your competitive edge
  • How client responsibilities affect their response to us
  • Connecting the dots between what prospects want, and what we sell
  • How to use technology (like voicemail) to advance communication
  • Why customers quit – and what you can do about it
  • How to respond to clients quickly and completely
  • Why your business communication is a direct reflection on you
  • How to put the biggest disadvantage of selling promotional products to work for you!
  • The promotional advisor vs. the Internet
  • Sweating the details and promoting your ability
  • Turing overwhelming product choices into intelligent, thoughtful variety
  • The problem with some product photos (as opposed to samples)
  • Using premiums to increase the average order size
  • Turning your existing situation into an advantage
  • The one thing that determines 85% of your success with customer service
  • The best criteria for choosing products and suppliers
  • Why there’s no such thing as a free sample
  • Primary reasons the Internet will never replace you
  • How the finger of blame actually helps industry salespeople
  • Why customer knowledge beats product knowledge
  • Can you provide better results than clients can produce on their own?
  • Why even new or novice distributors can quickly be positioned and perceived as experts

After we’ve addressed your mindset and approach, Module 2 continues with what’s most important to clients, an overview of how the industry works and a truly memorable way to learn the industry price codes:

Getting Started 2

Click the video to play

In this clip: We can’t always save a problem order, but we can often save the relationship. Here are a few specific suggestions on how to respond to problems with a client’s order.

  • No happy surprises when it comes to additional charges
  • How to avoid being burned by screen charges, die charges, mold charges, overrun charges and exorbitant shipping charges
  • What clients really expect with regard to pricing (Hint: It’s not cheapest, best or even lowest price!)
  • Have you ever been “programmed” by the wrong clients?
  • A formula for timely response to client concerns
  • How to resolve problems without losing clients
  • The one thing that determines the value of a promotional product
  • The necessity of developing a culture of corporate quality
  • Clients never blame themselves when you sell them something cheap
  • What percentage of your business is rush?
  • Can you deliver within clients’ reasonable deadlines?
  • The quickest, easiest thing you can do to avoid scrambling over rush orders
  • How to ensure accurate order fulfillment
  • The importance of clear communications
  • Get it in writing!
  • The #1 most important thing to promotional product buyers
  • Why do you think they call it a deadline?
  • When it’s best to refuse to take an order
  • Without these, your distributorship is doomed
  • A real life example of how things can change with your suppliers…
  • Adopting a “British Royals” approach to selecting vendors
  • A quick review of the top 15 criteria most important to clients
  • Shopping your competition
  • Isolating areas of customer contact
  • Changing your procedures to change your results
  • How one business instantly transformed customer service
  • In what areas should I qualitatively review my suppliers?
  • Should I provide a discount for a first time order?
  • The primary reason that people sell based on price
  • Your promotional products organization
  • A brief overview of “how things work”
  • Understanding the money split
  • The industry price code song
  • Average industry profit margins
  • How shipping , discounts, end quantity pricing and next quantity pricing directly impact your profits
  • The advantage of being an “organization of one”

In order to make the most money in promotional products, you need leverage. Module 3 begins by defining what leverage means in our industry and gets specific about what you need to leverage and how you need to leverage it.

This volume also tells you the things your prospects and clients will never tell you. It’s all about their unspoken needs:

Getting Started 3

Click the video to play

In this excerpt: David explains why it is more important to understand your client’s prospects and customers than to understand your client’s business.

  • How to get the maximum result from minimum effort
  • Using leverage to amplify your results
  • You don’t get out of your business what you put in… you get out some multiple of what you put in
  • What it takes to make your actions count for 10 times as much
  • Secrets of leveraging time
  • Prioritizing and scheduling for maximum effectiveness
  • How other professionals organize their activities to manage their time
  • How to group tasks, eliminate wasted effort and gain economies of scale
  • The benefit of dedicating specific hours to client contact
  • How to set time goals you will commit to
  • Doing a little something vs. a lot of nothing
  • How allocating small amounts of time produces big results
  • The single best way to ensure the loyalty of your suppliers
  • Want the most support from your family? Then start performing!
  • How to use technology to make things more personal
  • The advantage of pictures in your emails and marketing materials
  • How a cheap webcam can help you to better communicate with clients
  • Using 21st Century technology to build credibility
  • The money man in the middle
  • The necessity of getting deposits
  • A lesson in getting paid from a high-priced lawyer
  • Should I accept credit cards?
  • Are you functioning as an unpaid banker?
  • A brief review of leverage
  • What clients will never tell you…
  • How to make intelligent, targeted product recommendations every time
  • Putting the product recommendation procedure to the test
  • Creating a return on investment for clients
  • What Michael Corleone of The Godfather can teach us about targeting clients
  • Recommend what makes sense, but sell what they want to buy
  • Providing solutions to business problems
  • The biggest advantages of promotional products over other media
  • What motivates clients?
  • Brainstorming three things clients want
  • Explaining the difference between a giveaway and a promotion
  • An example of tracking results from a promotion
  • Use this word when dealing with dominant personality types…
  • How to make your clients feel special
  • The psychological law of reciprocity
  • How can you help clients if you don’t understand their business?
  • Who is your client looking to impact?

Module 4 addresses the important topics of how to grow your client base, horizontal and vertical selling, the top consumers of promotional products, how much your target list is worth and much more:

Getting Started 4

Click the video to play

Building your business proactively means deciding exactly how you’d like to grow. In this clip, David gives an overview of horizontal vs. vertical selling.

  • Building your business proactively
  • Using clients’ industry buzzwords to improve response
  • Choosing to specialize to make more money
  • How I dealt with a "coolie savant"
  • How marketing niches develop
  • Horizontal and vertical selling
  • Your approach should determine the accounts you pursue
  • Choosing a niche proactively
  • Targeting industries that spend the most money
  • Selecting the industries you want to pursue
  • Split testing dictates your best approach
  • How to quickly determine if a niche is right for you
  • Targeting the businesses you want to sell to
  • How much is your list of target prospects worth?
  • The one factor that determines the value of your list
  • How to create awareness among your target accounts
  • Selective targeting and the risk-to-reward ratio
  • Learning your niche from prospective clients
  • Consultative selling means “spreading the love”
  • Using promotional items for event marketing, business gifts, self promotion and employee relations
  • What trade show exhibitors really want
  • The biggest marketing mistake made by trade show exhibitors
  • Teaching clients to use promotional products correctly
  • How to use memory hooks to make a promotional item more relevant
  • Motivation: A prime benefit of promotional products
  • Non-profits prove that promotional products get results
  • The two-fisted effect of promotion on fundraising for non-profits
  • An example of how licensing can boost sales and triple margins
  • Why no single company has ever dominated our industry

Module 5 provides even more on what clients actually want to buy from you and also addresses the top buyers within organizations, the law of social proof, how to better penetrate accounts, upselling, cross-selling and more:

Getting Started 5

Click the video to play

The most successful industry professionals are able to clearly explain what makes them different and better. In this clip, David explains why your positioning statement has to communicate what you do best.

  • Demystifying program selling
  • What does a safety program do?
  • The benefits of an effective safety program and why business owners are likely to invest
  • Basics of a customer acquisition program
  • Using The Greatest Management Principle in the World to improve results
  • How to help clients retain employees
  • Secrets of boosting sales by reactivating old customers
  • How to increase your clients’ average order size
  • Making up new programs that fill a need
  • The top buyers within client organizations
    • What purchasing agents want
    • What executives want
    • What administrative personnel want
    • What HR people want
  • The Law of Social Proof in psychology
  • How the actions of similar others motivate clients
  • How to differentiate yourself from your competition
  • When a client takes my idea and runs with it…
  • Creating promotions that get results for clients
  • How to get business from other divisions within client companies
  • The necessity of repetition of contact
  • Just because they don’t respond, doesn’t mean they’re not interested
  • The continuum of knowing vs. doing
  • How discounts affect profits disproportionately
  • The problem with bids
  • The four ways to grow your sales and profits
  • How to bring in more clients
  • What circus plate spinners can teach us about doing many things at once
  • The straight line approach to sales
  • Building your “wall of clients”
  • The dramatic effects of better conversion
  • Creating proactive referral systems
  • How to ask better questions to get better (and more) referrals
  • How to boost orders by asking for more than you expect to get (in three specific areas)
  • Less than minimum? Are you kidding me?
  • How to present options for maximum results
  • Upselling with packaging, gift wrapping and more
  • How to cross-sell effectively

Module 6 begins with how to increase your profit margins, and continues with the diagnostic approach to sales, specific rapport building questions to get the best results, rapport building tools to use for intelligent repetition of contact and concludes with a 10 step action plan:

Getting Started 6

Click the video to play

To get the best return on investment of your time, you need to be in front of qualified prospects. In this clip, David demonstrates how to eliminate the unqualified as quickly as possible.

  • The three ways to increase your profit margins
  • How loyalty to your suppliers increases profits
  • How to ask for preferential pricing from suppliers
  • Strategies for getting people to buy more often
  • The importance of knowing your clients’ calendar
  • How a contact management system dramatically improves performance
  • The tremendous benefits of reorders
  • Earning a high multiple of what your lawyer makes
  • Helping your clients with more ways of distributing promotional items
  • An important lesson from How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • Skip data dump and ask your prospects about this…
  • Determine your prospect’s most compelling need
  • Which of your client’s needs is more important that actual need?
  • Specific, word-for-word questions proven to build rapport
  • A scary example of how not to build rapport
  • The best sales approach for you
  • How to quickly eliminate unqualified prospects to focus on the qualified
  • A guide to finding your prospect’s hot buttons
  • The diagnostic approach to sales
  • Which contact management system should I use?
  • What is your prospect’s decision-making process?
  • The necessity of getting your name across your client’s desk
  • Right and wrong criteria for selecting self promos
  • The advantage of an email newsletter
  • The case for weekly contact
  • How to create an audio newsletter at little to no cost
  • Understanding samples: From virtual and random to spec and pre-production
  • How to track leads to ensure the best marketing results
  • How to make promotional products integral to your client’s advertising campaign (as opposed to just a sideline or add-on)
  • Your ten-step action plan for Getting Started

After working your way through the system, you’ll find the Bonus Materials provide an excellent reinforcement of what you’re learning.

Volume One addresses the Eight Great Traits of Promotional Products Professionals and the Top 15 Countdown of What’s Most Important to Clients:

What Every Distributor Salesperson Needs to Know - Vol. 1

  • Eight Great Traits of Promotional Products Professionals
  • Top 15 Countdown: What’s Most Important to Clients?

Volume two tackles The ABCs of Promotional Products Sales and much more:

What Every Distributor Salesperson Needs to Know - Vol. 2

  • The ABCs of Promotional Products Sales
  • Money, Suppliers & Prospecting
  • Proactive referral systems
  • Rapport building questions
  • Getting results
  • Communicating with clients
  • Following up
  • Action plan

Getting Started also includes a series of short, bite-sized Marketing Minutes that address many of the important issues you’ll deal with in your business. Watch these at your leisure. You can watch them in order, or just jump directly to the topic that you need help with at any given time:

Top Secrets Marketing Minutes

  • The Most Expensive Prospects
  • How Often Should We Follow Up?
  • Mind the Gaps in Your Business
  • Applying Pressure in Sales
  • Learning Sales from the Astronauts
  • The Missing Link in Sales
  • Building the Client Base of Your Dreams
  • Communication is Key to Keeping Clients
  • In What League Are You Playing?
  • Competence vs. Mastery
  • The Best Never Rest
  • All of the Credit, None of the Blame
  • Inadequate Performance is Exhausting
  • Letting Clients Know What You Know
  • Straight Answers Beat Sales Ploys
  • Let’s Play "Find the Buyer!"
  • How to Get Large Viable Accounts
  • Three Quick Tips for Improving Results
  • Examining Your Core Strengths
  • Knocking the Indecisive Off the Fence
  • The "Unknown Unknowns" of Sales
  • Using Client Comments to Sell
  • Fear of Rejection vs. Actual Rejection
  • Your Preflight Checklist

Now here’s one of the most valuable assets of the Getting Started system…

Your Getting Started
Training Guide and Journal

This comprehensive training guide and journal, delivered digitally as a pdf file, takes you on a step-by-step journey through the entire Getting Started training system.

Print out a copy and add all your important notes and plans right inside for easy access and retrieval of information.

Order Getting Started now and get the following Four Bonus Gifts absolutely FREE!


Getting Started
Success Plan Wall Chart

Print a copy of this incredibly helpful wall chart (delivered digitally as a pdf file) and tack it up next to your desk, so you can reference it at all times.

It provides a constant reminder of what’s most important to clients, the five strengths of a promotional product, top markets for promotional products, how to translate industry price codes and how to track your progress.


Report: How to Help Prevent Prospects from Wasting Your Time

Time is the most important asset we have. In this pdf report, we'll explain what you need to do, to keep prospects from wasting yours.


Report: How to Grow Your Promotional Products Sales

There are essentially only four (4) primary ways to grow your promotional products business. In this pdf report, we'll outline each of them, so you can focus on what's most important to growing your business.


Report: How to Protect Your Clients & Commissions from Incomplete Orders

Nothing harms your credibility or commissions like suppliers delivering incomplete orders as a result of an underrun. In this pdf report, discover how to keep that from happening to you.

Order Now to Take Advantage of the Bonuses and Special Pricing!

As you’ll see below, the price point and the package of extras and bonuses we’re offering makes this offer a total no-brainer for anyone who’s serious about getting this system.

So if you want the BEST VALUE AVAILABLE ON THIS SYSTEM, now is the time, and this is the place.

Why Do it Now?

In the classic success book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill pointed out that the most successful people in the world had one particular trait in common. Know what it was?

They had the habit of making important decisions quickly and changing their minds slowly, if at all.

Those who were less likely to be successful financially, had the habit of making important decisions slowly, and changing their minds quickly and often.

This offer is designed to benefit those who wish to form the habits of top producers.

So at this point, you’re probably wondering what a complete, industry-specific training system of this magnitude will cost.

But I think the question you should be asking yourself is…

What Will it Cost You to NOT Own Getting Started?

What’s the cost of each poorly qualified sales lead? What’s the cost of a single botched presentation? How much money does inefficient or ineffective follow-up cost… every week, every month or every year that you remain in business?

  • When we don’t know how to find, approach, or get new clients… it costs us money every day.
  • When we don’t have a system in place for cold calling and qualifying new prospects… it costs us sales and profits every day.
  • When we don’t know who to approach, how to approach them or what to say… it costs us clients, repeat business and referral business every day.

With trial and error, you pay nothing up front, but an enormous amount in lost business and opportunity every day. With Getting Started, you pay a little up front, and reap the rewards forever. By helping you to avoid mistakes that cost you money every day, Getting Started will pay for itself many times over. If it doesn’t, I don’t want you to keep it! More on our unrivaled guarantee in a moment…

The Bottom Line

Right now, we are offering you the very best deal available on this system.

Because of the industry-specific nature of the information, the comprehensive appoach we’ve taken and the sheer bulk of organized, useful information you’re getting, we originally planned to charge quite a bit more for this system… Keep in mind, even my most basic consulting packages start at $2,997 and Modules 1 through 6 contain a full day of hands-on training for yourself or your staff.

With this system, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Everything is ready for you and all laid-out, step-by-step.

But before you think this will cost you a fortune… check this out:

Your entire investment in this complete system is only $997 $497! That’s tiny compared to the amount of money you could be losing each month to inefficient or ineffective action.

In fact, any of the main components of this system could easily be worth a high multiple of that price by themselves. If you avoid making just one mistake that has cost you money in the past… if you learn to target better clients, more effectively, that alone can be worth an enormous amount of money to you.

But if you're still not sure, I hope this will make all the difference…

Our Full-Year, Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee

Since 1998, We’ve Been Known for the Very Best Guarantee in the Industry

The true professionals in our industry, even the most experienced, are constantly learning… constantly hungry for more information about the market.

The fact that you have read this far tells me that you are very likely such a person.

Your No-Risk, Full-Year Trial Order Form

Getting Started: How to Launch a Wildly Successful Career in Promotional Products Sales

Only $997

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David Blaise
Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales
Blaise Drake & Company
2669 Shillington Rd #422
Sinking Spring, PA  19608
(800) 494-2721 or (610) 685-9700

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